Product Catalog


Cinnamon plus red clover 3 lb bag. A three pound bag of Cinnamon Plus Red Clover that is preinoculated and with a color added to aid in consumer use. A three pound bag will cover 5000 square feet.


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Winter annual.. Brilliant crimson flowers, long heads, maturing from bottom to top. Will produce more forage at low temperatures than other clovers. Seed are broadcast at 20 to 30 lb/A in late August-October.


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Ladino clover is a giant form of white clover. It is a rapidly-growing perennial, which spreads with prostrate stolons.


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Variety of Grass Seeds in stock to get your yard growing.


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Agway Professional Green is an exclusive AGWAY blend of premium, disease-resistant Kentucky Bluegrass for the ultimate in beautiful lawns.


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Ryegrasses can be grown on their own in the northern states for lawns. In many areas of the country, largely because this grass is so versatile, it is incorporated in seeding mixtures with other grasses. Bright green, fast growing, and prolific; the ryegrasses do much for lawns by adding contrasting color to early spring flowers, trees and shrubs.


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Annual bunchgrass. Shiny, dark green smooth leaves. Grows 2 to 3 feet tall. Major uses are mainly pasture although sometimes used by homeowners. 50 lbs


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Ideal for quick growth, erosion control and high traffic areas. Absorbs and releases water to keep seed moist - even if you miss a day of watering. Germinates faster than uncoated seed. No seed is more weed free - 99.99%. Extremely durable fine bladed grass.


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Agway Shady Green is an exclusive AGWAY mixture of premium disease-resistant turf grasses blended especially for lawns in dense or partial shade.


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Agway Shady Green is an exclusive AGWAY mixture of premium disease-resistant turf grasses blended especially for lawns in dense or partial shade.


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Thrives in hot and sunny conditions such as open yards with few trees. Contains Scotts exclusive Thermal Blue Kentucky Bluegrass. Aggressively spreads to repair thin and bare spots. Survives the scorching heat.


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Premium grass seed mixture for full sun or shade conditions. Contains AquaBond with Nutri-Start, Use less water.


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Sun & Shade is an AGWAY Value mixture of quick-covering perennial ryegrass which grows well with fine-textured fescues that thrive in part or full shade.


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Scotts' most versatile mix - stays green even in extreme conditions of dense shade or scorching sun. Absorbs and releases water to keep seed moist - even if you miss a day of watering. Germinates faster than uncoated seed. No seed is more weed free - 99.99%. Contains Scotts exclusive Thermal Blue Kentucky Bluegrass. Aggressively spreads to repair thin and bare spots. Survives the scorching heat.


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Scotts' most versatile mix - stays green even in extreme conditions of dense shade or scorching sun. Absorbs and releases water to keep seed moist - even if you miss a day of watering. Germinates faster than uncoated seed. No seed is more weed free - 99.99%. Contains Scotts exclusive Thermal Blue Kentucky Bluegrass. Aggressively spreads to repair thin and bare spots. Survives the scorching heat.


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<p><span><span>Tri-Ryegrass Mixture is an AGWAY Value mixture suited for a wide range of growing sites in sun or part sun.


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Tri-Ryegrass Mixture is an AGWAY Value mixture suited for a wide range of growing sites in sun or part sun.


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Agway Kentucky Bluegrass is a blend of three different bluegrass varieties.


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Annual bunchgrass. Shiny, dark green smooth leaves. Grows 2 to 3 feet tall. Major uses are mainly pasture although sometimes used for hay or silage. High nutritive quality. Seeding rate is 10 to 15 lb/A in mixtures, or 20 to 30 lb/A alone. September or early October are generally the best time to plant, but November overseeding of warm season grasses can be done along the Gulf Coast. Natural reseeding is common.


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Thrives in tall fescue lawns battling heat and drought. Heat Tolerant Blue spreads to repair your tall fescue lawn. Absorbs and releases water to keep seed moist - even if you miss a day of watering. Germinates faster than uncoated seed. No seed is more weed free - 99.99%. Grows 33% thicker per sq. ft. than ordinary tall fescue. Aggressively spreads to repair thin and bare spots. Stays green even in scorching heat and drought.


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Most cold tolerant grass. Performs well under high traffic, moderate shade and sunny areas. Absorbs and releases water to keep seed moist - even if you miss a day of watering. Germinates faster than uncoated seed. No seed is more weed free - 99.99%. Know as the highest quality turf for its deep emerald green color and soft velvet texture. Contains Scotts exclusive thermal Blue Kentucky Bluegrass. Aggressively spreads to repair thin and bare spots. Survives the scorching heat.


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Most cold tolerant grass. Performs well under high traffic, moderate shade and sunny areas. Absorbs and releases water to keep seed moist - even if you miss a day of watering. Germinates faster than uncoated seed. No seed is more weed free - 99.99%. Know as the highest quality turf for its deep emerald green color and soft velvet texture. Contains Scotts exclusive thermal Blue Kentucky Bluegrass. Aggressively spreads to repair thin and bare spots. Survives the scorching heat.


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