Product Catalog


The HARVEST LANE HONEY deep frame & foundation 5-pack features deep or large, beehive wooden frames. Each frame comes completely assembled with a textured cell, food-grade plastic foundation coated with 100% beeswax. This allows for wax moth resistance and easy acceptance in the hive. Use 10 of these frames per deep brood box.



Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Engineered and designed by Harvest Lane Honey, their galvanized steel flat beehive top is made from high quality galvanized steel on a wooden base. It is ideal for use with standard 10 Frame Langstroth Hive and can withstand pressure over 2500 lbs. It fits perfectly across the top with a drip edge on all sides to protect against weather. There is nothing comparable on the market. Use as the roof of the beehive to provide protection against weather and pests.




Please contact us for current pricing and availability.