Start Planning This Year's Garden!
Our seeds and seed-starting supplies are now in stock—get everything you need to kick off your gardening season.
Lawn & Garden Supplies are Starting to Arrive Daily!
From soils and mulches to fertilizers and pest control, we’ve got everything you need to prep your garden for the season ahead. Stop by and stock up today!
Get Ready for Chick Season!
We have all the chick supplies you need in stock—feed, heat lamps, bedding, and more! Chicks will start arriving in April, so now’s the perfect time to prepare. Stop by and get everything you need to welcome your new flock!
Strawberry Fields® Fruiting & Flowering Potting Soil is designed to pump up your blooms, fruits and berries with no hang-ups. Brought to you directly from the Flower Children of the Sixties and Seventies—the Old School generation. Love, Peace and Happiness is in our hearts and that is exactly what we pour into every bag of Strawberry Fields®. Out-A-Sight!
1.5 cu. ft.
Please contact us for current pricing and availability.
© 2019 Liberty Agway Home & Garden Center. All Rights Reserved.
Serving Liberty, NY
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